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Elementary Fiction
Leveled Readers
142 product(s) found for "Elementary Fiction"
A Good Night for Ghosts (Mag..
Paperback. Very good used condition. From the publisher: Jack and Annie are on a mission to find--and inspire--a musician that brings happiness to millions of people. After traveling to New Orleans, Jack and Annie come head to head with some real ghosts, and discover the world of jazz when they meet...
A Single Shard
Stock photo. Actual item may vary. Paperback. AUTHOR: Linda Sue Park PUBLISHER: Yearling PUBLICATION DATE: 2003 EDITION: Reprint ISBN: 590559060 CONDITION: Very Good
A to Z Mysteries: The Runawa..
Paperback. By Ron Roy. Good used condition. No writing or marks. From the publisher: Help Dink, Josh, and Ruth Rose solve mysteries from A to Z! Kids love collecting the entire alphabet and super editions! With over 8 million copies in print, the A to Z Mysteries? have been hooking chapter book readers...
Amber Brown is Not a Crayon
Paperback CONDITION: Good. From the publisher: Even when her best friend is moving away, Amber Brown is always bold, bright, and colorful. #Amber Brown is out now on Apple TV+ Amber Brown and Justin Daniels are best friends. They've known each other for practically forever, sit next to each other in...
Amy the Amethyst Fairy
Paperback. AUTHOR: Daisy Meadows PUBLISHER: Harper Trophy CONDITION: good. Rainbow Magic: The Jewel Fairies No. 5. From the publisher: Rachel and Kirsty have already helped the Rainbow Fairies and the Weather Fairies. Now the Jewel Fairies are in trouble! Jack Frost is back, and he's causing trouble...
Animal Adventures, A Little ..
Paperback. Printed in 1997. Good used condition, age-related discoloration. From the publisher: Laura Ingalls and her family are surrounded by all kinds of wild animals. From bears and panthers to badgers and deer, Laura always manages to find herself caught up in a new animal adventure.
Baby-Sitters Club: Stacey's ..
Good used condition paperback. From the publisher: Thirteen-year-old Stacey needs the support of the Baby-sitters Club when the pressures of school, work, and home pile up and her diabetes puts her in the hospital. By Ann M. Martin.
Beatrice Zinker Upside Down ..
Good used condition paperback. From the publisher: Beatrice does her best thinking upside down. Hanging from trees by her knees, doing handstands . . . for Beatrice Zinker, upside down works every time. She was definitely upside down when she and her best friend, Lenny, agreed to wear matching ninja...
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